Paris Hilton é o conjunto de palavras mais procurado na Internet ultimamente, e o que mais traz incautos a este blog.
Então deixa eu provocar um pouco mais, colando aqui a transcrição do sketch dela no Saturday Night Live do sábado passado (lá, não aqui):
Tina Fey: Paris Hilton is a name that’s on everyone’s lips these days. Here now in an exclusive interview with Jimmy Fallon in Paris Hilton.
Jimmy Fallon: Thanks for coming on.
Paris Hilton: Nice to be here.
JF: So, we agreed, we won’t be discussing the scandal that’s been in the papers the past couple weeks.
PH: I appreciate that.
JF: We want to find about you, Paris Hilton. Your family…the Hiltons own hotels all around the world.
PH: Yes, in New York, London, Paris.
JF: Wait, there actually is a Paris Hilton?
PH: Yes, there is.
JF: Is it hard to get into the Paris Hilton?
PH: Actually, it’s a very exclusive hotel, no matter what you’ve heard.
Se Paris Hilton tivesse nascido na minha terra, as senhoras de certa idade, experientes em relação à vida, simplesmente olhariam para ela com cara de censura e diriam, balançando tristemente a cabeça: “Se respeite, menina…”
cara… e ondé que eu consigo o FIRME???